Batemans are proud to be a family business and nothing says family more than sticking together. So, we’re pleased as punch to have recently taken the opportunity to personally thank so many members of staff for their long service to Batemans Brewery.

Held at the Visitors Centre each year, the annual Long Service Awards are the perfect way to reward our loyal staff. Awards are given for fifteen years or more service and nineteen members of staff qualified, having given a total of 553 years of service! Seven members of staff have given over 30 years of service and five over 35 years of service. A special mention also goes to the Symonds family, who together share a total of 243 years of service between them.

Each member of staff was presented with a personalised bottle of champagne featuring their number of years of service, along with gift vouchers.

Stuart Bateman made the presentations to each of the members of staff and thanked them all for their contributions over the years.  He said that he hoped that some members of staff would break the Batemans Long Service Record, which was held by Harold Waugh, the bottling store foreman, who was at the Brewery for an impressive 51 years.

Fancy working for Batemans? Contact us with your details and we’ll let you know if there are any suitable vacancies.